Musing on a Tuesday

There seems to be something about the start of a lockdown that makes me want to blog. Maybe this time because it’s the start of the year. A stay-at-home festive season does actually result in feeling rested and ready to go when January rolls around.

Blogging has been erractic over the past few years because I seem to be incapable of treating this as a personal blog. So rather then writing when I feel inspired I’ve felt under pressure to be consistent. That if I’m going to post I need to do so regularly. So any mention of food I’ve eaten must be the first of a series of ‘What I ate’ posts.

I spend all day writing for clients which is glorious fun but doesn’t always leave me much capacity to do it for myself. And annoying when I have felt the spark then I’ve quashed it by overcomplicating it.

So 2021 will be the year of an erratic posting schedule on random topics. Sounds a bit like my head. I think it will be fun. The way blogging is supposed to be fun.

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